Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph March Past 2013: D23 - South Atlantic Medal Association (SAMA 82): The South Atlantic Medal (1982) is the official name of the medal awarded to almost 30,000 service men and women - and civilians - who took part in the campaign to liberate the Falkland Islands in 1982. The South Atlantic Medal Association is their Association..
Press stand opposite the Foreign Office building, Whitehall, London SW1,
Greater London,
United Kingdom,
on 10 November 2013 at 11:41, image #173

Photo 1311101141111D48368HaraldJoergens
Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph March Past 2013: D23 - South Atlantic Medal Association (SAMA 82): The South Atlantic Medal (1982) is the official name of the medal awarded to almost 30,000 service men and women - and civilians - who took part in the campaign to liberate the Falkland Islands in 1982. The South Atlantic Medal Association is their Association.. Press stand opposite the Foreign Office building, Whitehall, London SW1, London, Greater London, United Kingdom, on 10 November 2013 at 11:41, image #173

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