TOW River Thames Barge Driving Race 2013: The Darren Lacey price, presented by the crew of barge Darren Lacey,  for the youngest apprentice, goes to a member of the crew of barge "The Matchgirls" by Unite the Union - G. Skingly-Shute, aged 16 years and 11 months..
River Thames between Greenwich and Westminster,

United Kingdom,
on 13 July 2013 at 16:20, image #567

Photo 1307131620145D24898HaraldJoergens
TOW River Thames Barge Driving Race 2013: The Darren Lacey price, presented by the crew of barge Darren Lacey, for the youngest apprentice, goes to a member of the crew of barge "The Matchgirls" by Unite the Union - G. Skingly-Shute, aged 16 years and 11 months.. River Thames between Greenwich and Westminster, London, United Kingdom, on 13 July 2013 at 16:20, image #567

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