BCN Marathon Challenge 2013: Winson Green Roving Bridge (a Horeseley Iron Works cast iron bridge, dated 1826) on the BCN Main Line. Just behind the bridge is Winson Green Gauging Island, a toll island which once carried an octagonal toll office..
Birmingham Canal Navigation,

United Kingdom,
on 25 May 2013 at 08:38, image #69

Photo 1305250837495D25071HaraldJoergens
BCN Marathon Challenge 2013: Winson Green Roving Bridge (a Horeseley Iron Works cast iron bridge, dated 1826) on the BCN Main Line. Just behind the bridge is Winson Green Gauging Island, a toll island which once carried an octagonal toll office.. Birmingham Canal Navigation, United Kingdom, on 25 May 2013 at 08:38, image #69

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